Outlook Add-in Manifest Deployment Options

Learn about the different deployment options, including those for the new and classic versions of Outlook for Windows.

Selecting a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Use the Amazon AWS CloudFront CDN by default.

The Preava Prevent Outlook Add-in is hosted on two separate content delivery networks (CDNs). Unless you experience issues with the Amazon AWS CloudFront CDN, there is no reason to use the Cloudflare CDN-hosted manifest.xml files.

Manifest.xml File Selection

Unless your users have the option to use or otherwise switch to classic Outlook for Windows, Preava recommends using the "Events, Soft Block" version.

It is possible to deploy different versions of the manifest.xml file to different users. Do not deploy more than one version to a user at a time.

The Preava Prevent Outlook Add-In comes in several versions, described below, which you can choose from and deploy via dedicated manifest.xml files available on the Integrations page of the Admin Dashboard.

  Events, Soft Block Events, Block Action (on-send)
Compatible with classic Outlook for Windows no no yes
Compatible with new Outlook for Windows yes yes yes
Compatible with Outlook for Mac yes yes yes
Compatible with Outlook on the web yes yes yes
Users can send emails if the add-in is unavailable or certain errors arise yes no no

If any of your users use Outlook for Windows, please consider the following.

  • Users who are only permitted to use new Outlook for Windows, choose one of the following send mode options (Microsoft KB) to best match your requirements:
    • SoftBlock [event] (supports Work Offline): A failsafe provided by Microsoft enables users to send emails under all scenarios, even when technical issues attributable to Microsoft or Preava arise. When an error arises, users are given the option to send an email without it being scanned for risks after a timeout period determined by Microsoft has passed (i.e. 5 seconds).
    • Block [event] (supports Work Offline): Emails won't be sent when technical or connectivity issues attributable to the user, Microsoft, or Preava arise.
  • Users who are permitted to switch between the new and classic Outlook for Windows:
    • On-send [action] (legacy feature, with backwards compatibility): Emails won't be sent when technical or connectivity issues attributable to the user, Microsoft, or Preava arise.
  • Users who only permitted to use classic Outlook for Windows:
    • On-send [action] (legacy feature with backwards compatibility): Emails won't be sent when technical or connectivity issues attributable to the user, Microsoft, or Preava arise.


The current Preava Prevent Outlook Add-In is built on the Outlook Add-In API version 1.12, as version 1.13 does not meet our quality requirements.